8:16 AM Posted by Anonymous
Athens Students Hold Fundraiser for Bradford County Humane Society
Justin Adams and David Plouse held a two day senior project fundraiser at the Pine Cradle Lake Campground on September 5th and 6th. Pet food and other items were collected and delivered to the Bradford County Humane Society. A square dance was also held at the campground banquet hall and was donated by Roger and Cathy Druck. Music was provided by Sara Romanik. Admission to the square dance included pet food, bleach, supplies, and other items that are needed at BCHS.
Almost 1,000 pounds of pet food, cat litter and supplies was collected.
"I am always so impressed with students that choose our shelter for their senior projects. The amount of time and energy to collect items for our shelter pets is greatly appreciated," states Jennifer L. Spencer, BCHS Executive Director.
BCHS would like to thank Justin and David as well as those that participated and donated to this fundraiser.
If you would like to hold a fundraiser for BCHS, contact Jennifer at 570-888-2114.