Joan E. Mullaly Memorial Raffle Quilt Benefits BCHS

Marletta Pousen of Monroeton was the lucky winner of the quilt raffle. Winnie Moyer, receptionist at East Smithfield Holistic Healthcare enthusiastically sold the majority of tickets. Many were also sold at Athens Arts Fest and Fay’s Sugar Shack Lion’s Pancake Days. The quilt was made by Dottie McPherson of Boston and kindly donated for the raffle.

We honor and remember Joan Mullaly for her many years of tireless volunteer service at the shelter and her position as treasurer. We miss her and her caring and concern.

The Bradford County Humane Society, located at Rte. 220, Ulster, Pa 18850, telephone: 570 888 2114, always welcomes and appreciates all donations.

Photo from left: Winnie Moyer, Marletta Pousen, Dr. Alice B. Moyer, new Bradford County Humane Society Board President. Photo by: Marcia S. Kesten, D.C.