We list all of our available pets on Petfinder.com. You can view our pet list using the link at right and links on our home page. Unfortunately, Petfinder is currently having technical difficulties and you may only be able to see the first 25 pets on our list.
In the meantime, you can always see our pet list by going to petfinder.com and typing in Ulster, PA for location. You can select other categories or leave them as is, then click "Find Pets". That will bring up our entire pet list with updated pets last.
Photo: Zorro is a handsome adult neutered male cat. He is an independent guy who decides when he wants attention. He enjoys sitting on the windowsill to watch the world outside, and might be happy as an inside/outside cat. Zorro has long hair and does not like being groomed, so he was shaved to remove tangled hair. The shaved area is velvety soft and he now has a unique lion mane look.